Direction Sense Test Practice Questions

Direction Sense Test Practice Questions

1. A boat sails 90 miles west, 120 miles south, 30 miles east, and 40 miles north. How far is it from its starting point, and in which direction?
60 miles southwest
70 miles southwest
80 miles southwest
90 miles southwest
2. If you're facing southeast and make a 135-degree turn to your left, then a 90-degree turn to your right, which direction are you facing?
3. A ship sails 40 miles west, 30 miles south, 10 miles east, and 20 miles north. How far is it from its starting point, and in which direction?
30 miles southwest
35 miles southwest
40 miles southwest
45 miles southwest
4. A ship sails 50 miles south, then 30 miles east, then 20 miles north. How far is it from its starting point, and in which direction?
30 miles southeast
50 miles southeast
40 miles southeast
60 miles southeast
5. If northeast becomes west, which direction will southeast become?
6. If you're facing southeast and turn 315 degrees clockwise, which direction are you facing?
7. A man walks 6 km towards west, then 8 km towards south, then 6 km towards east. How far is he from his starting point, and in which direction?
8 km south
6 km west
10 km southwest
14 km southwest
8. If you're facing south and turn 45 degrees to your right, then 180 degrees to your left, which direction are you facing?
9. A girl walks 9 km towards south, then 40 km towards east. How far is she from her starting point?
41 km
49 km
31 km
360 km
10. A girl walks 5 km towards north, then 12 km towards east. How far is she from her starting point?
13 km
17 km
7 km
60 km
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